The Bloods and Crips are two of the most notorious African American gangs in the United States, and they originated in Los Angeles, California. The exact origins of these gangs are complex and rooted in social, economic, and historical factors.

The Crips were founded in 1969 by Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams. Originally, the gang was formed to provide protection against other neighborhood gangs. Over time, however, the Crips expanded and became involved in various criminal activities.

The Bloods, on the other hand, are believed to have originated as a response to the influence and expansion of the Crips. The Bloods emerged in the early 1970s, and their name is often attributed to their use of the color red, in contrast to the Crips’ use of blue. The Bloods initially formed as a rival gang to the Crips but later developed their own internal divisions and sets.

Both the Bloods and Crips have spread beyond Los Angeles and have become associated with gang activity in various parts of the United States. It’s important to note that the history and dynamics of these gangs are complex, and their evolution involves numerous factors such as social, economic, and political conditions in the communities where they originated.

What were the gangs like in the 60s

Street gangs in the 1960s, particularly in urban areas of the United States, exhibited some similarities to contemporary gangs, but there were also distinct differences in terms of organization, activities, and motivations. Here are some key characteristics:

  1. Social and Economic Factors: The 1960s were marked by significant social and economic changes, particularly in urban centers. Many inner-city neighborhoods faced poverty, racial tensions, and a lack of economic opportunities. Street gangs often emerged in these contexts as a response to social disorganization and economic marginalization.
  2. Territorialism: Similar to modern gangs, territorial control was a significant aspect of gang behavior in the 1960s. Gangs claimed specific neighborhoods or blocks as their territory, and conflicts often arose when rival gangs encroached on these areas.
  3. Racial Tensions: The 1960s was a time of heightened racial tensions in the United States, with the civil rights movement advocating for racial equality. Some street gangs formed along racial lines, and conflicts were sometimes fueled by racial animosities.
  4. Community Involvement: In some cases, street gangs in the 1960s had a degree of community involvement. They might have provided a sense of identity and protection for their members within communities that felt neglected by broader society. However, this was not universal, and many gangs were involved in criminal activities.
  5. Less Organized Criminality: While gangs in the 1960s engaged in criminal activities, the level of organization and sophistication was often lower compared to some contemporary gangs. Over the years, gangs have become more organized, with involvement in drug trafficking, organized crime, and other complex enterprises.
  6. Gang Symbols: The use of colors, graffiti, and specific symbols to represent gang affiliation was present in the 1960s, although the extent and complexity of these symbols have evolved over time.

It’s important to note that street gangs have evolved and adapted to changing social, economic, and cultural conditions. While there are some continuities in the factors driving gang formation, the specific manifestations and activities of gangs have changed over the decades.

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