Mexican street gangs have been a fixture of American cities for decades. Known for their violence, drug trafficking, and territorial disputes, these gangs are a constant source of concern for law enforcement and communities alike. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the history and activities of Mexican street gangs in America.

Origins of Mexican Street Gangs in America

Mexican street gangs have their roots in the Mexican-American community, which dates back to the mid-1800s. During the early 20th century, Mexican-Americans faced discrimination and were often relegated to low-paying jobs and poor living conditions. This led to the formation of social clubs and mutual aid societies, which provided a sense of community and protection from discrimination and violence.

However, as Mexican-American communities grew and became more urbanized, these social clubs evolved into street gangs. In the 1940s and 1950s, Mexican-American gangs such as the Varrio Nuevo Estrada and the East Los Angeles Dukes emerged in California. These gangs were involved in drug trafficking and other criminal activities, and their members were predominantly young men from low-income families.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Mexican street gangs began to spread beyond California and into other parts of the country. Gangs such as the Latin Kings, the Latin Counts, and the Almighty Latin King Nation emerged in cities like Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia.

Activities of Mexican Street Gangs in America

Mexican street gangs engage in a wide range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, robbery, and murder. They are also involved in human trafficking, particularly of women and girls for the purposes of prostitution. Gang members often use violence to maintain their territory and to protect their drug operations.

In addition to their criminal activities, Mexican street gangs also have a strong presence on social media. Gang members use social media to recruit new members, to intimidate rivals, and to promote their activities. This has led to a rise in online gang activity, with law enforcement agencies using social media to monitor gang activity and to identify potential threats.

Efforts to Combat Mexican Street Gangs in America

Law enforcement agencies have been working to combat Mexican street gangs in America for decades. One of the most effective strategies has been the use of gang injunctions, which prohibit gang members from congregating in certain areas and engaging in specific activities. Gang injunctions have been successful in reducing gang-related crime in some cities, although they have also been criticized for violating the civil rights of gang members.

Another strategy for combating Mexican street gangs has been to focus on prevention and intervention. This includes providing young people with alternatives to gang involvement, such as after-school programs, job training, and mentoring. Community-based organizations have also played a key role in addressing gang violence, working to promote positive youth development and to strengthen families and communities.

List of Mexican Gangs in America


Mexican street gangs continue to be a significant problem in American cities. Their criminal activities have a devastating impact on communities, and their use of social media has made them more difficult to monitor and control. However, efforts to combat gang violence have been successful in some areas, and there are many organizations and individuals working to provide alternatives to gang involvement and to promote positive youth development. By working together, law enforcement, community organizations, and individuals can make a difference in the fight against Mexican street gangs.